【麻辣鴨舌 Sichuan-style Duck Tongues】
Some people may find the idea of eating tongues extremely difficult to comprehend. But thinking beyond that, I am confident to say that this dish will turn into one of your favourite snacks for drinking.
材料 Ingredients:
鴨舌 Duck Tongues | 400 克 g
花椒 Sichuan Pepper | 2 湯匙 tbsp
八角 Star Anise | 2 顆 pcs
乾蔥 Shallot | 2 顆 pcs
蒜頭 Garlic | 2 瓣 cloves
辣椒 Hot Chilli | 2 隻 pcs
花雕/ 氈酒 Cooking Wine | 4 湯匙 tbsp
砂糖 Sugar | 1 茶匙 tsp
老抽 Dark Soy Sauce | 1 湯匙 tbsp
生抽 Light Soy Sauce | 2 湯匙 tbsp
蠔油 Oyster Sauce | 1 湯匙 tbsp
水 Water | 200 毫升 ml
做法 Directions:
Blanch the duck tongues. Soak them in ice bath, then drain well.
Pour some oil into a frying pan, heat up the star anise and Sichuan pepper for a few minute to bring out the flavours. Then add the shallots, garlics and chilli, cook them over heat for a minute. Put the tongues into the pan, and brown them well.
Deglaze with some cooking wine (I used Gin, I mean, why not?). Cover the lid, and cook for 30 seconds or so.
Add the light and dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar and water. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Your duck tongues are ready to serve. (Eat it the day after cooking would be even tastier!)