【🍟麥薯條西班牙蛋餅 Tortilla de MacFries】
Well… 雖然乾噌噌凍冰冰,但係千祈唔好晒(唔係下世就做薯條㗎啦)!其實只要二次創作一下,即係可以令薯條起死回生,搖身一變又再成為一道美味佳餚~
我想睇點整,可以上返ViuTV app足本重溫第202集嘅《今餐有料到》啦!
鍋具尺寸 Pan Size:~ 24cm
材料 Ingredients:
薯條 Fries | 3 packs
橄欖油 Olive oil | 150 ml
洋蔥 Onion | 1 pc
菠菜 Spinach | 100 g
曼切戈芝士 Manchego | 100 g
雞蛋 Eggs | 8 pcs
鹽 Salt | 1 tsp
黑椒碎 Ground black pepper | 1/2 tsp
做法 Directions:
First, slice the onion. In a frying pan, add some olive oil and cook over low-medium heat until soften, remove from pan and reserve for later use.
Roughly chop the fries and heat up in the pan. Remove from pan.
Using the same pan, saute the spinach over high heat for a minute until wilted. Remove from pan again.
Whisk the eggs together in a big bowl and combine with the onion, fries, spinach and grated manchego cheese, along with salt and ground black pepper. Mix well.
In the frying pan, add some oil in and turn the heat up to medium-high, transfer the mixture into the pan and lower the heat to low-medium and cook for 5 minutes. Then place a plate that is big enough to cover the whole pan, and flip them upside down. Carefully push the tortilla back into the pan and cook the other side over low-medium heat for another 5 minutes. Done!