【🇰🇷 香辣韓式炸雞 Korean Fried Chicken 】
轉眼間食韓式炸雞配飲啤酒嘅呢個文化原來已經越洋傳咗過嚟香港都好多年吓~ 不過一套劇集嘅熱潮可能會退減,但係味蕾對美食嘅慾望就從來都唔會消失~
材料 Ingredients:
雞翼雞鎚 Chicken wings & Drumsticks | 1 lb (~ 450 g)
米酒 Rice wine | 2 tsp
薑茸 Grated ginger | 1 tsp
鹽 Salt | 1 tsp
黑胡椒 Ground black pepper | 1/2 tsp
生粉 Potato starch | 190 g
泡打粉 Baking powder | 1/2 tsp
菜油 Vegetable oil | ~ 1 L
- 韓式辣醬 Korean Spicy Sauce -
韓國辣椒醬 Gochujang | 2 tbsp
茄汁 Ketchup | 3 tbsp
豉油 Soy sauce | 1.5 tbsp
白醋 White vinegar | 1 tbsp
味啉 Mirin | 1 tbsp
粟膠 Corn syrup | 2 tbsp
蒜頭 Garlic | 4 cloves
水 Water | 3 tbsp
做法 Directions:
In a large bowl, marinate chicken wings & drumsticks with rice wine, grated ginger, salt and pepper for around 15 to 20 minutes.
After that, mix potato starch and baking powder together in another bowl. Dust the chicken thoroughly with the dry ingredient.
Heat a pot of oil to 160C, and deep-fry the chicken wings and drumsticks for about 6 to 8 minutes. Do it in a few batches to avoid dropping the oil temperature too rapidly. When done, remove the chicken and drain out the excess oil.
Make the sauce. Mix gochujang, ketchup, white vinegar, mirin, corn syrup, minced garlic and water in a frying pan. Turn on the heat and cook until everything dissolves and thickens. Turn the heat off.
Heat the pot of oil to 200C, and put the chicken back in to fry for another 2 minutes until crispy. Remove the chicken when done, and place them into the sauce and toss everything together. When the chicken wings and drumsticks are coated with the sauce, they are ready to serve.