【韓式嫩豆腐鍋 Soft Tofu Stew 순두부찌개】

熱愛韓食的我其實甚少追看韓劇,但由於在家中的時間多了,加上去年探望住在首爾的朋友正正便是住在梨泰院,所以一開始便有留意這齣劇。這齣包含飲食商戰加上復仇元素的電視劇,情節緊湊而且寫實地反映出現實和以及愛情世界中的不合理,難怪成為眾人必追的電視劇。而令作為廚師的我最有印象的一幕應該就是「甜夜酒館」以的招牌菜 — 韓式嫩豆腐鍋 — 擊敗死敵長家!所以今次便決定與各位劇迷們分享此菜式的食譜!
One who loves Korean food does not need to be a Korean drama fan. As I am staying home more these days and started to watch stuff on Netflix, I came across the popular TV series, Itaewon Class. Since I visited my friend in Seoul last year, who happens to live in Itaewon, and that's why I have been keep an eye on this drama at the very beginning. In Itaewon Class, the most unforgettable scene for me would be Hyeon-yi from DanBam preparing the signature dish, Sundubu-Jjigae (soft tofu stew), and defeated Jangga in a TV cooking competition. I personally love Sundubu-Jjigae a lot and I find the storyline of this drama very captivating. That’s why I really want to share this recipe with all the fans of this TV series. Bon appetit!
材料 Ingredients:
菜油 Vegetable oil | 3 tbsp
青蔥(切碎) Scallion (chopped) | 3 stalks
洋蔥(切碎)Onion (chopped) | 1/4 pc
蒜蓉 Garlic (minced) | 4-6 pcs
豬絞肉 Minced pork | 50 g
韓國辣椒粉(粗) Korean chilli flake | 1/2 tbsp
韓國辣椒粉(幼) Korean chilli powder | 1/2 tbsp
鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp
糖 Sugar | 1/2 tsp
意大利青瓜(切粒) Zucchini (diced) | 2 tbsp
洋蔥(切碎)Onion (chopped) | 2 tbsp
高湯 Broth | 500 ml
蜆 Clams| 3-4 pc
蝦 Prawns| 1-2 pc
豆腐(軟) Soft Tofu | 175 g
雞蛋 Egg | 1 pc
麻油 Sesame oil | 1 tbsp
做法 Directions:
先在鍋中放入菜油,以慢火炒青蔥約7分鐘。再放入豬絞肉、洋蔥和蒜蓉,再煮4 - 5分鐘直至豬肉不再粉紅色。再加入韓國辣椒粉炒香。
Heat up the wok in oil , sauté spring onion over low flame for 7 minutes. Add ground pork , garlic and onion and sauté until pork is cooked. Add Korean chilli flakes and powder.
Add in broth, onion , clams, prawns and tofu. Cook over medium flame for around 10 minutes .
Season to taste. Add an egg to the pot. Garnish with spring onion and chilli powder. Enjoy !