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西蘭花苗蒜香橄欖扭扭粉 Broccolini & Olive Cavatappi

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【西蘭花苗蒜香橄欖扭扭粉 Broccolini & Olive Cavatappi | #JamieOliver教曉我的菜式 - No. 1】

也許職業廚師未必把Jamie Oliver當作偶像、餐廳營運者也不見得會把他作為最佳的學習例子,不過他在鏡頭前對食物的那份熱誠和不拘小節的烹煮手法,的確引起不少人對煮食的興趣(至少我也是因為他的節目和著作而在好奇心驅使下走進廚房的)。

Anyway,就讓我在此為大家分享一系列Jamie Oliver風格的菜式吧!



材料 Ingredients:

  • 螺旋扭粉 Cavatappi | 150 g

  • 西蘭花苗 Broccolini | 150 g

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 3 cloves

  • 橄欖 Olive | 4-6 pcs

  • 鯷魚 Anchovy | 3 pcs

  • 牛油 Butter | 30 g

  • 乾辣椒碎 Chilli flakes | 1/2 tsp

  • 巴馬臣芝士 Parmesan cheese | 4 tbsp

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/4 tsp

  • 黑胡碎 Black pepper | 1/4 tsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先,將西蘭花苗變老的硬梗和外皮除去。把頂部的菜花切起備用,剩下的菜梗切碎,分開盛起。

  2. 把蒜頭、橄欖和鯷魚切碎。

  3. 在一鍋滾水中放鹽,倒入螺旋扭粉(或任何你自己喜歡的意粉),依包裝指示的時間去煮。

  4. 同時間,開中火,在一隻平底鑊中加入牛油,把切碎的蒜頭、橄欖、鯷魚和乾辣椒碎炒香。

  5. 在意粉完成前的1分30秒,加入菜梗與意粉一起煮。30秒後,加入菜花部份多煮1分鐘。

  6. 完成後,把意粉和西蘭花撈入平底鑊中,加入巴馬臣芝士炒勻。如果太乾,可加入少量煮麵水。加鹽和黑胡椒調味後便完成!

  1. First, remove the hard stem and skin of the broccolini. Cut the top flower part and reserve for later use. Dice the remaining stem and keep them separately.

  2. Chop the garlic, olives and anchovies.

  3. In a pot of boiling water, add some salt and cavatappi (or any pasta you like). Follow the cooking time written on the package.

  4. At the same time, add the butter in a. frying pan, cook the garlic, olives, anchovies, chilli flakes over medium heat.

  5. 1m30s before the pasta is done, add chopped broccolini stems into the pot. After 30 seconds, add the flower part in as well and cook for another minute.

  6. When done, take out the pasta along with the chopped broccolini and put them into the frying pan. Add the Parmesan cheese and seasoning, stir well and cook for another 30 seconds. Done!



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