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西班牙風味🇪🇸酸辣土豆絲 Spanish-Style Shredded Potatoes Salad

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark


【西班牙風味🇪🇸酸辣土豆絲 Spanish-Style Shredded Potatoes Salad】



先前參與拍攝拾陸比玖的《開Crew飯》,為小薯茄製作健康美味的午餐!這道以薯仔和蕃茄為主題的沙律,就是特意為他們設計的~ 今個假期,各位也不妨試試下廚做出這道味道新穎又簡單的「#西班牙風味酸辣土豆絲」吧!


材料 Ingredients:

份量 Servings : 1碟 portion

  • 馬鈴薯 Potato | 1 pc

  • 白醋 White vinegar | 1 tbsp

  • 洋蔥 Onion | 1/4 pc

  • 蒜蓉 Garlic | 2 cloves

  • 甘筍 Carrot | 1/4 pc

  • 紅波椒 Bell pepper (Red) | 1/4 pc

  • 黃波椒 Bell pepper (Yellow) | 1/4 pc

  • 油漬乾蕃茄 Sun-dried tomato | 2 pcs

  • 橄欖油 Olive oil | 4 tbsp

  • 乾辣椒碎 Chili flakes | 1 tsp

  • 甜紅椒粉 Paprika | 1 tsp

  • 黑胡椒 Black pepper | 1/4 tsp

  • 意大利黑醋 Balsamic vinegar | 1 tbsp

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp

  • 番茜 Parsley | 1stalk

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先將馬鈴薯去皮、切幼絲,放在水裏備用,避免氧化變色。在水中加入白醋,令馬鈴薯變得有彈性。

  2. 將洋蔥、甘筍、紅波椒、黃波椒切絲。將蒜頭和油漬乾蕃茄切碎。

  3. 在鑊中加入橄欖油,開中火把洋蔥、蒜頭和乾辣椒碎炒香。加入甘筍絲和波椒絲,多炒3分鐘,倒入一隻碗中備用。

  4. 把薯絲瀝水備用。再於同一隻鑊中,再加入少量橄欖油,以中火炒生薯絲約8-12分鐘直至軟身,便可將之前炒好的洋蔥絲等配料再次回鑊,再加入甜紅椒粉、黑胡椒碎、鹽和意大利黑醋,兜炒2分鐘左右便完成。上碟後,再在表面灑上番茜碎即可。這個菜式可以熱食或冷食。我個人比較喜歡冷食,無論動作涼菜還是沙律也很不錯!

  1. Peel and julienne the potato. Keep the potato strips in water to avoid oxidizing. Also, add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water.

  2. Slice onion. Julienne the bell peppers and carrot as well. Finely chop the garlic and sun-dried tomato.

  3. In a frying pan, add some olive oil in. Saute the onion, garlic and chili flakes over medium heat for two minutes or until fragrant. Then add the sliced carrot and bell pepper in and cook for another 3 minutes. Transfer everything into a bowl and reserve for later use.

  4. Drain the potato strips. In the same frying pan, add some more olive oil. Cook the potato over medium heat for 8-12 minutes until they become soft and bendable (yet still crunchy in the centre). Then add the onion and everything back to the pan. Get the paprika, ground black pepper, salt and balsamic vinegar into the pan, stir well and cook for another 2 minutes. Transfer everything onto a serving plate and garnish with some chopped parsley. This plate can be served hot or cold. I actually like eating it when it's cold (like a real salad lol).



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