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韓式辣茄醬素菜薄餅吐司 Spicy & Cheesy Vegetarian Pizza Toast

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

韓式辣茄醬素菜薄餅吐司 Spicy & Cheesy Vegetarian Pizza Toast

「簡單」不等如「膚淺」或者「沒有內涵」。人大了,更明白簡單複雜化才是負能量的根源、浪費精神體力的動作... 做人如是,做菜都是一樣。


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Sometimes I am really tired of how overcomplicated this world is, as well as the food I see these days. You should be amazed how easy, yet extremely delicious this pizza toast is! Simply blend some gochujang and caramelized onion together with the tomato sauce, it would be a kind of marinara sauce that you have never tested before! Along with some melted good-quality cheddar cheese, this pizza toast would definitely make your mouth water! Follow this recipe and treat yourself nicely over this Easter weekend!


份量 Servings : 4 份 pieces

材料 Ingredients:

厚身麵包 Thick bread 4 slices

牛油 Butter 1 tbsp

意粉醬 Tomato sauce 100 g

韓式辣椒醬 Gochujang 1 tsp

蒜頭 Garlic 1 clove

洋蔥 Onion 1/2 pc

濃味車打芝士 Sharp cheddar cheese 100 g

紅燈籠椒 Red bell pepper 1/2 pc

綠燈籠椒 Green bell pepper 1/2 pc

番茄 Tomato 1 pc

橄欖油 Olive oil 2 tbsp

鹽 Salt 1/2 tsp

黑胡椒碎 Ground black pepper 1/4 tsp

韓式辣椒粉 Korean chili flakes 1/4 tsp

意大利芫茜 Parsley (chopped) 1/2 tbsp


做法 Directions:

  1. 首先,把洋蔥切絲。在一隻平底鑊中,倒入一湯匙橄欖油,以中火把它炒至棕楬色,約20分鐘。

  2. 把紅燈籠椒、綠燈籠椒和番茄切成薄片,留起備用。

  3. 用一支手提攪拌棒或攪拌器把意粉醬、蒜頭、一半炒好的洋蔥和韓式辣椒醬以高速攪拌至滑身。

  4. 把牛油塗在麵包上,再薄薄塗上一層(3)的醬汁。

  5. 在麵包上,放上車打芝士,再放上餘下的洋蔥。然後把紅燈籠椒、綠燈籠椒和番茄薄片放在上面,再灑上更多芝士。加鹽和胡椒粉在表面,便可以放入一個已預熱至攝氏180度的焗爐(或多士焗爐)中,烤焗10-15分鐘。

  6. 完成後,在薄餅多士上淋上橄欖油和灑上韓式辣椒碎和意大利芫荽碎。完成!

  1. First of all, slice the onion. In a frying pan, add a tablespoon of olive oil and caramelize the onion over medium heat. It will take about 20 minutes.

  2. Thinly slice the red bell pepper, green bell pepper and tomato crosswise. Reserve for later use.

  3. Use a hand blender or a blender, blend tomato sauce, garlic, half of the caramlized onion and gochujang together for a minute in high speed until smooth,

  4. Spread some butter on one side of the bread, then followed with a thin layer of the sauce from step (3).

  5. On top of the bread, place some shredded cheddar on top (freshly grated is always better!). After that, place the remaining half of the caramelized onion on top, followed with some slices of red bell pepper, green bell pepper and tomato. Then add more of the cheddar cheese again. Sprinkle some salt and black pepper on top. Place it in a pre-heated oven or a toast oven, bake it at 180C for about 10-15 minutes.

  6. After it's done, take the pizza toast out and drizzle some olive oil on top and sprinkle some Korean chilli flakes and chopped parsley on top. Done!



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