【荷蘭汁鱈魚開放式三文治 Cod & Avocado Smørrebrød w/ Hollandaise Sauce】
《30 分鐘大放餸》- 北歐風情
近年不少人也喜歡前往北歐旅行,因為當地生活質素高、風景怡人,而且其獨特的飲食風貌更令人大開眼界。今回我在《30分鐘大放餸》中,示範出兩道變奏版本的北歐菜式 — 「羅勒牛肉卷」和「荷蘭汁鱈魚開放式三文治」,繼續以「睇咗當去咗」的精神去用美食為大家作導遊。 In recent years, people are even more in love with the Scandinavian lifestyle. For me, not only the natural sceneries and marvellous design from these countries attract me, but the food scene over there is just unbelievable.
In the latest episode of 30 Minute Meals, I shared two dishes inspired by my trip to Denmark and Sweden a few years ago. Let us all travel in the passage of time for a wonderful Scandinavian gastronomy taste journey.
材料 Ingredients:
2 份 / 2 servings
鱈魚 Cod fish fillet | 200 克 g
鹽 Salt | 2 茶匙 tsp
裸麥麵包 Rye Bread | 4 片 slices
牛油果 Avocado | 1 個 pcs
-- 荷蘭汁 Hollandaise Sauce --
檸檬汁 Lemon juice | 1 湯匙 tbsp
蛋黃 Egg yolks | 2隻 pc
牛油 Butter | 120 克 g
鹽 Salt | 1/2 茶匙 tsp
做法 Directions:
先準備鱈魚。用鹽醃鱈魚大概 20 分鐘,再用清水沖走表面的鹽,隔水蒸大概 10 分鐘。之後拿出,用舂臼把鱈魚錘成魚鬆,放旁備用。
First, prepare the salted cod. Sprinkle the salt over the fillets and let the fish marinated for about 20 minutes. After that, rinse off the salt from the filets with clean water. Steam the fish for 10 minutes. When done, take out and use a mortar and pestle to break the filet into flakes.
Make the Hollandaise sauce. Melt the butter first, then place a mixing bowl over a bowl of hot water to create a bain-marie. Add the yolks and lemon juice in, and beat them for a few minutes until it turns into pale-yellow colour. Then slowly add the butter into the yolk mixture while whisking. Gradually add the butter and keep beating until the Hollandaise sauce has become thick.
Slice the avocado.
Assemble. On a piece of fresh rye bread, spread a layer of butter on it. Place the avocado slices on top, followed with the fish and Hollandaise sauce. Feel free to decorate the open sandwich with some diced onion, dill and paprika on top and around.
#AndyDark #ChefAndyDark #Dark_cooks #Dark_cooks_Scandinavian #西式料理 #30分鐘大放餸