【芝麻雞柳飽 Sesame Chicken Sandwich】
《30 分鐘大放餸》- 下酒菜
疫情雖在,但酒還是要喝的。既然不能在外邊喝,那就留家獨酌吧! 但就算再好的酒也需要些下酒菜,剛剛在《30分鐘大放餸》𥚃示範的芝麻雞柳飽,不正正就填補了你胃裡的那個空缺嗎?
P.S. 多謝各位收看過去幾個星期五的 《30分鐘大放餸》!節目中示範的每一道菜式我也花了不少心思,但只要大家喜歡,一切的努力也是值得的!
Drinking and eating always go together! This Sesame Chicken Sandwich makes the perfect companion for my late night beer!
材料 Ingredients:
— 芝麻雞柳 Sesame Chicken —
雞柳 Chicken filet|450 克 g
鹽 Salt | 1 茶匙 tsp
薑茸 Minced ginger | 4 茶匙 tsp
清酒 Sake | 60 毫升 ml
豉油 Soy sauce | 60 毫升 ml
味啉 Mirin | 20 毫升 ml
芝麻 Sesame | 70 克 g
— 他他醬 —
沙律醬 Mayonnaise | 120 克 g
檸檬汁 Lemon juice | 2 湯匙 tbsp
醃酸瓜 Pickles | 1 湯匙 tbsp
乾蔥 Shallots | 2 粒 pcs
芥辣 Mustard | 1/2 茶匙 tsp
蒜蓉 Minced garlic | 1 瓣 clove
菜油 Vegetable oil | 1 公升 Litre
羽衣甘藍 Kale | 100 克 g
熱狗包 Hot dog buns | 4 個 pcs
做法 Directions:
先把雞柳用鹽、薑茸、清酒丶豉油和味啉醃約 15 分鐘。
在鍋中落至少一吋的菜油,把油溫煮至 160 度左右,便可以放入雞柳。炸約 4分鐘,拿起瀝油備用。
First, marinate the chicken filets with salt, minced ginger, sake, soy sauce and mirin for 15 minutes.
Make tartar sauce. Mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, chopped pickles, minced shallot, Dijon mustard and minced garlic together.
Pour the sesame on a plate. Pat dry the chicken filets and roll them over the sesame. Make sure the filets are all covered with sesame.
Pour the vegetable oil into a pot and heat the oil to 160C. Drop the filets into the oil and fry them for 4 minutes until they are thoroughly cooked. When done, take them out.
Mix half of the tartar sauce with the kale.
Cut open the hot dog buns and toast them in the oven at 180C for 5 minutes,
Assemble. In the centre of the bun, put some kale, a piece chicken filet and put a teaspoon of some tartar sauce on the chicken. Done!