【碧根果仁撻 Pecan Pie】
Pecan Pie毫無疑問是我最喜愛的冬日甜品之一!沒有刻意粉飾的外表,也不需要將就他人去調節自身的甜度,就像個性格率直的美國女孩。
吃Pecan Pie從不希望它能帶來什麼驚喜,而是它永遠也是我期望之內的味道(也許用的材料和做法也是很簡單,沒有什麼能出錯的地方。😂)
《今餐有料到》- 今晚要救贖
材料 Ingredients:
- 撻皮 Crust -
中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour | 150 g
砂糖 Sugar | 25 g
鹽 Salt | ¼ tsp
無鹽牛油 Unsalted butter | 110 g
牛奶 Milk | 30 ml
- 餡料 Filling -
雞蛋 Eggs | 3 pcs
黃糖 Brown sugar | 150 g
粟膠 Corn Syrup | 240 g
牛油 Butter | 30 g
波本威士忌 Bourbon | 30 ml
雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 1 tsp
鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp
碧根果仁 Pecan | 250 g
做法 Directions:
Make the dough. Rub butter, flour, sugar and salt together to make it into a sandy texture. Add the milk and lightly press everything together. Store in the fridge for at least an hour to let it relax.
Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough and transfer to a tart pan.
In a big bowl, whisk egg, brown sugar, corn syrup, vanilla extract, bourbon, salt and melted butter together.
Place the pecan onto the tart shell, pour in all the mixture from step (3). Place it into an pre-heated oven and bake about 40 minutes. When done, let it cool down completely before cutting. (You can reheat it in an oven to eat as well! And don't forget to get ice-cream to go with it.)
I love whisky and that's why I put it in. If you want to use rum or other spirits, please go ahead. Or even if you don't want any alcohol in it, it's totally fine as well.