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焙茶杏仁奇亞籽曲奇 Hojicha Almond Chia Seeds Cookies

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【焙茶杏仁奇亞籽曲奇 Hojicha Almond Chia Seeds Cookies】






份量 Portion - ~100 pcs

  • 材料 Ingredients:

  • 牛油 Butter | 350 g

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 300 g

  • 雞蛋 Eggs | 2 pcs

  • 杏仁片 Almond flakes | 200g

  • 低筋麵粉 Cake flour | 550 g

  • 焙茶粉 Hojicha powder | 16 g

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp

  • 奇亞籽 Chia seeds | 30 g

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先把牛油和砂糖用廚師機(或手提打蛋器)打至忌廉狀態。再分兩至三次把蛋液加入並混合。

  2. 把杏仁片和奇亞籽加入拌勻。

  3. 把麵粉和焙茶粉過隔篩,加入鹽拌勻,分三至四次與牛油混合物拌勻。

  4. 把曲奇麵糰分成六等份。把其中一份放在保鮮紙上,形成粗度均一的長條型,再把保鮮紙將它捲實並搓成圓柱形。重複把所有麵糰捲起來,放入冰箱至少兩小時。

  5. 當需要焗曲奇的時候,把食譜分量以外的數湯匙砂糖放在一隻碟上,取出曲奇麵糰,把麵糰沾上砂糖,然後再切成約1.5厘米的厚塊,轉移至已放上焗爐紙的焗盤上。然後放入已預熱至攝氏170度的焗爐中,焗約15分鐘。完成後,取出放在架上攤涼便完成。

  1. Use a stand mixer to cream the butter and sugar. Gradually add the beaten eggs in and make sure they are thoroughly incorporated.

  2. Add the almond flakes and chia seeds and mix well by hand.

  3. Sift the flour and hojicha powder, add salt and mix well. Add them with the butter mixture in a few rounds while mix everything together until fully incorporated.

  4. Divide the dough into 6 equal portions. Place one on top of a piece of plastic wrap. Use you hand to form the dough into a long stick form and try to make the thickness even. Roll the plastic wrap over the dough and tie it tightly. Repeat the same steps with all the remaining dough. Place them into the freezer for at least 2 hours.

  5. When you are ready to bake the cookie, then the dough out from the freezer. Add some sugar onto a plate, and roll the stick of dough in the sugar. Cut the dough into 1.5 cm-thick coins. Transfer the cookie onto a lined baking tray, bake them in a preheated oven at 170 for about 15 minutes. When done, transfer the cookies on a cooling rack.

⭐️ 小貼士 Tips:

  • 如果覺得份量太多,可以將所有材料減半,甚至淨係做三份一都得~ (Cut the portion of recipe in half or even to one-third if you don't want to make that much.)

  • 嘗試使用其他茶粉同埋堅果碎,做出屬於你獨有嘅口味😊 (Be creative! Play with other kinds of tea powder and nuts to create your signature flavour!)


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