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泰國釀豆腐麵 Yen Ta Fo เย็นตาโฟ

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【🇹🇭泰國釀豆腐麵 Yen Ta Fo เย็นตาโฟ】



從此每次去到泰國我都一定要搵返啲碗嘢嚟食!(香港真係唔容易搵到… 應該話我冇搵過,因為飛去曼谷好似容易過去喺九龍城搵位泊車🥲 #所以屯馬開通我真心表示很興奮



材料 Ingredients:

份量 Portion: 4 份

- 醬汁基底 Yen Ta Fo Sauce Base -

  • 南乳 Red fermented bean curds | 3 large pcs

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 4 cloves

  • 辣椒醬 Chilli sauce | 3 tbsp

  • 米醋 Rice vinegar | 4 tbsp

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 4 tbsp

  • 魚露 Fish sauce | 2 tsp

  • 豉油 Soy sauce | 2 tbsp

  • 水 Water | 2 tbsp

  • 豬骨湯/ 雞湯 Pork/ Chicken stock | 1.5 L

  • 河粉 (或任何麵食)Flat rice noodles (or any noodles) | ~400 g / for 4 portions

  • 豆卜 Tofu puffs | 12 pcs

  • 魚蛋 (或任何肉丸)Fish balls (or any meat balls) | 16 - 20 pcs

  • 豬紅 Pork blood curds | 8 pcs

  • 通菜 Morning glory | 1/4 bunch

  • 雲吞皮 Wonton skin | 8 pcs

  • 炸蒜 Deep-fried garlic | 4 tsp

  • 辣椒粉 Chilli powder | 4 tsp

  • 蔥花 Chopped scallion | 4 tsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 製作醬汁基底。將所有材料用攪拌機打勻,再倒入小鍋中,用慢火煮大概3-5分鐘。記得一直攪拌,否則極容易燒焦。關火後,放旁備用。

  2. 處理配料。把豆卜沖洗擠壓數遍,去除油味。煮一大鍋熱水,順序把通菜、豬紅、肉丸、和豆卜逐樣分別汆水,然後撈起備用。

  3. 炸雲吞皮。煮熱一鍋菜油至180度,把雲吞皮切成長條型之後,放入油鍋中炸大概30秒,便可撈起瀝油備用。

  4. 在一隻碗中,加入2-3湯匙的醬汁基底。再煲滾一鍋熱水準備煮河粉。

  5. 同時間,把豬骨湯煲滾。準備進食之前,便可把魚蛋豬紅等配料放入數十秒再煮熱。把河粉放入滾水中煮大概30秒,便可撈起放入碗中。再在表面放上配料,並加入約400毫升的熱豬骨湯,再在表面放上炸雲吞皮、炸蒜、辣椒粉和蔥花便完成。

  1. First, make the Yen Ta Fo Sauce Base. Put all the ingredients under the sauce base into a bowl (or blender), blend everything together with a hand blender (or blender). Pour everything into a small pot, cook it over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Keep stir as it burns so easily. When done, turn the heat off and leave aside.

  2. Prepare all the other ingredients. Cut the tofu puffs in half and rinse for a few times. Squeeze them while rinsing to get rid of their oily taste. Boil a big pot of water, blanche the morning glory, pork blood curds, meat balls and tofu puffs, separately and respectively.

  3. Cut the wonton skins into thick strips. Deep fry the wonton skins in a pot of hot oil at 180C for about 45 seconds. Take them out and drain all the oil.

  4. In a serving bowl, place 2-3 tablespoons of sauce base in it. And bring a pot of water to a boil to cook the rice noodles.

  5. At the same time, bring the pork bone soup to a boil. When you are ready to eat, place the morning glory, pork blood curds, meat balls and tofu puffs into the pork bone soup for 30s to a minute to heat them all up. Place the rice noodles in boiling water and cook for 30 seconds, and transfer them into the serving bowl. Place all the other ingredients on top. Pour a ladle of boiling pork bone soup (about 400ml) into the bowl. Garnish with the deep-fried wonton skin, chilli powder, deep-fried garlic, chopped scallion, and it it ready to be served.

⭐️ 小貼士 Tips:

  • 如果唔食得辣,可以減少辣椒醬嘅份量,用茄汁代替。(If you can't really take spicy food, feel free to use ketchup as a substitution for the chilli sauce.)

  • 鍾意可以再放啲海鮮,譬如蝦、魷魚等等。任何肉丸同麵都可以。個湯底先係靈魂,其他嘢唔使太執着。(You can make seafoods like prawns and squid in this noodles. The key element of this dish is the soup, so you can be creative with the other ingredients.)

  • 唔想自己炸雲吞皮,買包炸魚皮代替一樣咁開心!(If you don't want to deep fry some wonton skins at home, you can just buy some deep-fried fish skins in the market and enjoy the crunchy element in this dish.)



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