【日式芝士蝦仁焗通粉 Ebi Gratin】
Ebi Gratin is such an easy dish to make! The aroma from the cheese and amazing presentation make this dish irresistible for both adults and kids!
材料 Ingredients:
— 白汁 White Sauce —
牛奶 Milk| 500 ml
牛油 Butter| 50 g
麵粉 Flour|50 g
月桂葉 Bay leave|1 pc
肉豆蔻 Nutmeg |1/4 tsp
洋蔥(切末) Onion (Minced) |1/2 pc
蝦仁 Shrimp | 8-10 pcs
牛油 Butter | 20 g
通粉 Macaroni | 200 g
白酒 White wine | 50 ml
芝士 Cheese | 200 g
調味 Seasoning |”
做法 Method:
把焗爐預熱至最高溫( 攝氏200至230度)。
Cook the macaroni to your preference, strain and cool the pasta under cold, running water. Set aside.
Add butter and flour and cook until it forms a small lumpy dough, and add in milk. Keep stirring. Add herbs and cook for 10 minutes.
Preheat oven to the maximum temperature ( 200c to 230c )
Add butter, and saute onions until soft. Add shrimps and cook until its done, add white wine and season to taste. Cook for an extra 1 minute and add macaroni.
Grease butter onto an oven proof baking pan, and add macaroni. Be generous and add cheese. Bake for 3-4 minutes until top is browned. Enjoy !