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提拉米蘇 Tiramisu

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【提拉米蘇 Tiramisu】

我都唔知幾時開始,我喺朋友心目中有兩個特別嘅功能,就係佢哋求偶時嘅廚藝導師同婚禮司儀 (#享用過或即將會用到呢啲功能嘅朋友記得俾like同埋comment😂)

講真,我都好開心嘅~ 起碼佢哋都唔係要酒肉朋友或者最佳損友嘅時候先諗起我。今次有個朋友係好幾個禮拜之前已經mark咗我期,話佢而家鍾意嗰個女仔好鍾意食tiramisu,所以我都同佢講話我只可以教你整一個普普通通嘅版本,費事太好食,個女仔鍾意咗個蛋糕多個鍾意佢(笑)。

不過又要咁講,唔係佢,我都未必會無啦啦整tiramisu,然後出個post分享俾大家~ 所以各位要祝福吓佢啦😂 #同埋好似係嗰個女仔嘅生日 #生日快樂


份量 Portion:6-8 人

材料 Ingredients:

  • 蛋黃 Yolks | 4 pcs

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 60 g

  • 馬斯卡彭芝士 Mascarpone | 320 g

  • 瑪薩拉酒 Marsala | 20 + 40 ml

  • 白蘭地 Brandy | 20 + 40 ml

  • 淡忌廉Heavy cream | 300 ml

  • 糖霜 Icing sugar | 20

  • 雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 1 tsp

  • 咖啡 Coffee | 300 ml

  • 手指餅乾 Ladyfingers | 20-25 pc

  • 可可粉 Cacao powder | 2 tbsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 製作沙巴翁(Sabayon)。首先在一隻小鍋中加水煲滾,轉最細火。同時間找一隻大碗,放入蛋黃和砂糖,再把整個碗放在小鍋上,開始拂打,直至變為淡黃色和溫度達致約70度左右。之後便可把碗從小鍋上移除,繼續用手提打蛋器或廚師機以高速拂打多5分鐘。

  2. 在一隻碗中把馬斯卡彭芝士、20毫升的瑪薩拉酒和20毫升的白蘭地拌勻。切忌用打蛋器拂打。之後便可與沙巴翁拌勻。

  3. 在另一隻碗中,放入淡忌廉、糖霜和雲呢拿精油,拂打至硬性發泡狀態,便可與沙巴翁和芝士混合物再次混合形成蛋糕漿。

  4. 把咖啡、40毫升的瑪薩拉酒和40毫升的白蘭地拌勻。把手指餅乾逐條浸在咖啡酒液中1秒,鋪滿容器底部,再加入一層蛋糕漿,再鋪上一層手指餅乾,然後再放上蛋糕漿。放入雪櫃冷藏至少兩小時。享用前,在表面灑上可可粉便可。

  1. Make sabayon. Use bain-marie method, place a bowl over a pot of simmering water. Add yolks and sugar in, whisk until the mixture become pale yellow in color and flurry. The temperature of the mixture should reach about 70C. Remove the bowl off the pot, keep beating with a whisk (or electric egg beater) or even a stand mixer over high speed for about 5 minutes.

  2. In another bowl, mix mascarpone, 20 ml of Marsala and 20 ml of brandy together. Don't beat them with a whisk! Then you can incorporate the mixture with the sabayon.

  3. In another bowl, add heavy cream, icing sugar and vanilla extract. Whip it up until you get to the stiff peaks stage. Then gently fold it with the mascarpone-sabayon mixture.

  4. Mix coffee, 40 ml of Marsala and 40 ml of Brandy together in a bowl. Dip the Ladyfingers one by one in the liquid for 1 second and arrange them onto the bottom of a container. After the bottom is filled, pour a layer of mixture on top. Then another round of Ladyfingers that have been dipped into the coffee liquid. Finish it off with another layer of the mixture. Place the cake into the fridge for at least 2 hours to firm up. Dust a layer of cacao powder on top before serving.

⭐️ 小貼士 Tips:

  • 咖啡的濃淡和風味可以按個人喜好去挑選。想方便的話可以你用即溶咖啡或者直接去咖啡店買一杯espresso。(You can choose the strength of the coffee that you prefer. If you want to save time, you can use instant coffee or just get one of two shots of espresso at your local coffee shop.)

  • 雖然大家可以自製手指餅乾,不過有時時間有限,買現成的手指餅乾也不太差。(Of course you can make your own Ladyfingers. But if you are running out of time, using store-bought ones are actually not that bad at all.)


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