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大叔的愛❤️ の 大粟忌廉意粉 Creamy Corn Pasta

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【大叔的愛❤️ の 大粟忌廉意粉 Creamy Corn Pasta】



希望各位劇迷都會鍾意啦~ 下次再為大家分享埋劇中另一道嘅「失敗」菜式(不過我係成功嘅😎✌🏼)— 「#焦糖雞翼」!


份量 Portion:2 人 servings

材料 Ingredients:

  • 粟米 Corn | 2 pcs

  • 牛奶 Milk | 175 ml

  • 雞湯 Chicken stock | 175 ml + 150 ml

  • 煙肉 Bacon | 5 slices

  • 洋蔥 Onion | 1/2 pc

  • 西芹 Celery | 2 stalks

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 2 cloves

  • 麵粉 Plain flour | 2 tbsp

  • 忌廉 Cream | 100 ml

  • 鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp

  • 胡椒粉 Pepper | 1/4 tsp

  • 刁草 Dill | 4 sprigs

  • 粟米仔 Baby corn | 4-6 pcs

  • 意粉(未煮)Pasta | 150 g

做法 Directions:

  1. 先把粟米粒從粟米切下來,把一半的粟米粒、牛奶和175毫升的雞湯煮滾,轉細火煮10分鐘。然後用手提攪拌機打爛,喜歡的話可以過隔篩,放旁備用。

  2. 在一隻平底鑊中,把煙肉碎炒香,再加入洋蔥碎、西芹碎和蒜蓉炒至半透明狀態,再加入剩餘的粟米粒多炒數分鐘。加入麵粉拌勻,逐少加入剩下的150毫升的雞湯、(1)的粟米雞湯、忌廉和刁草,繼續煮5分鐘。

  3. 同時間,煮一鍋滾水,加鹽,根據包裝上的指示去意粉。

  4. 完成後,把意粉和醬汁拌勻便完成。

  1. Cut the kernels off from the corn. Put half of the kernels, milk and 175 ml of chicken stock into a pot and bring it to a boil, Reduce the heat to simmer and cook it for 10 minutes. Then use a hand blender, if you have one, to blend everything into a puree. If you want you can also pass everything through a sieve.

  2. In a frying pan, render the fat from the chopped bacon, about 5 minutes. Then add chopped onion, celery and minced garlic and cook until they turn translucent. Add the remaining kernels and cook for a few minutes. Add flour and coat all the ingredients well. Then add the remaining 150 ml of chicken stock, the puree from step (1), cream and dill in and cook for another 5 minutes.

  3. Add the same time, bring a pot of water to a boil. Add salt. Cook the pasta according to the time written on the package of it.

  4. When done, mix the sauce and the pasta together and it's ready to be served.


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