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🇲🇽墨西哥雞肉芝士餡餅 Chicken Quesadilla

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【🇲🇽墨西哥雞肉芝士餡餅 Chicken Quesadilla】

通常我哋香港人有剩餸菜就會攞去炒個飯,不過其實有無第二啲變化呢?下次有啲材料剩低嘅話,可以試吓將佢哋炒香之後,加啲芝士夾喺墨西哥薄餅裏面,當早餐午餐都一樣咁正~ 加埋個牛油果乳酪醬就真係好似喺出面餐廳食咁樣咁出色!下次唔想又食炒飯,不妨試吓呢個Quesadilla啦!


材料 Ingredients:

  • 墨西哥薄餅皮 Flour tortilla | 2 pcs

  • 煙肉 Bacon | 2 slices

  • 雞胸 | 1 pc

  • 紅洋蔥 Red onion | 1/4 pc

  • 菠菜 Spinach | 60 g

  • 蕃茄 Tomato | 1 pc

  • 蒙特里積芝士 Monterey Jack cheese | 50 g

  • 孜然粉 Cumin powder | 1/4 tsp

  • 甜紅椒粉 Paprika | 1/4 tsp

- 牛油果乳酪醬 Avocado Yogurt Dip-

  • 乳酪 Yogurt | 3 tbsp

  • 薄荷葉 Mint leaves | 8-10 leaves

  • 意大利芫荽 Parsley | 2 sprigs

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 1 clove

  • 蘋果醋 Apple cider vinegar | 1/2 tbsp

  • 青檸汁 Lime juice | 1 pc

  • 橄欖油 Olive oil | 2 tbsp

  • 牛油果 Avocado | 1/2 pc

做法 Directions:

  1. 把煙肉切碎、雞胸切成粗粒、蕃茄切片和把紅洋蔥切絲。

  2. 在鑊中加入少量菜油,把煙肉以中火把油份逼出,再加入雞胸粒和紅洋蔥炒熟,加孜然粉、甜紅椒粉、鹽和胡椒粉調味,倒出備用。再用同一隻鑊,分別快炒菠菜和把蕃茄片煎香。

  3. 製作牛油果乳酪醬,把醬料的所有材料用攪拌機打勻便完成。

  4. 在墨西哥薄餅皮上,在其中一半的表面上放芝士,然後鋪上煙肉、雞胸、菠菜和蕃茄片等餡料,再放上多一點芝士,把餅皮對接。在鑊中放入少量菜油,把薄餅兩邊煎香(每邊約2至3分鐘)。重複以上動作,前後製作兩件薄餅。完成後,把每一件切成四等份,上碟。

  1. Chop bacon and chicken breast into small pieces. Slice the red onion and cut the tomato into slices.

  2. In a frying pan, add a little bit of oil and turn the heat to medium, render the fat out from the bacon. Then add the chicken and sliced onion in and cook for 4 minutes. Add cumin powder, paprika, salt and pepper, mix well and transfer everything into a bowl. In the same pan, saute the spinach for 30 seconds until wilt and then cook the tomato for 1 minute on each side.

  3. Make Avocado Yogurt Dip. Blend all the ingredients together and transfer into a bowl.

  4. Place grated cheese on half of the tortilla. Then layer bacon, chicken, spinach and tomato on top. Add some more cheese. Fold the tortilla in half. In a frying pan, add some vegetable oil and turn the heat up to medium. Heat up both sides of the quesadilla until nice and brown (about 2 minutes per side). Repeat the steps until you have made two pieces. Cut each piece of quesadilla into four pieces and it's ready to be served.


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