《今餐有料到》- 美食極營
#足本重溫 → https://viu.tv/encore/know-your-ingredients/know-your-ingredientse119gam-maan-yiu-gau-suk---hon-gwok-ja-ji-si-yit-gau-paang---jung-gik-jue-goo-lik-gui-kuk-kei
【咖喱番石榴沙律 Curry Guava Salad】
就等我在此分享上星期於《今餐有料到》— #美食極營 中的這道咖喱蕃石榴沙律吧!惹味又開胃的菜式,當作前菜還是正餐也合適~ 就連Kathy仔都話正!
材料 Ingredients:
番石榴 Guava 1 pc
青木瓜 Green papaya 1/4 pc
甘荀 Carrot 1/4 pc
乾蔥 Shallot 2 pcs
芫荽 Cilantro 2 bunches
橙肉 Orange 1 pc
子薑 Pickled ginger 1 tbsp
花生碎 Peanut 2 tbsp
- 咖喱沙律汁 Curry Citrus Dressing -
咖喱醬 Curry paste 1/2 tsp
蒜蓉 Garlic 1 clove
橙汁 Orange juice 1 tbsp
青檸汁 Lime juice 2 tbsp
橄欖油 Olive oil 5 tbsp
蜜糖 Honey 1/2 tbsp
做法 Directions:
First, cut guava into thin slices. Peel and remove seeds from green papaya and cut it into thin strips. Julienne the carrot. Thinly slice the shallots. Chop pickled ginger and cilantro separately, and reserve 1/4 of the cilantro for garnishing. Put everything into a bowl along with the flesh of an orange.
Make the dressing. Whisk everything together in a bowl. Reserve for later use.
Toast the peanut on a frying pan over low-medium heat until they become lightly brown in color.
Assemble. Mix the dressing with all the ingredients in the bowl. Transfer the salad onto a plate. Sprinkle the chopped peanut and cilantro on top.