【南瓜意式杏仁脆餅 Pumpkin Biscotti】

材料 Ingredients:
約20片/ About 20 pieces
中筋麵粉 All-purpose flour | 150 克 g
杏仁粉 Almond powder | 20 克 g
黃糖 Brown sugar | 85 g
泡打粉 Baking powder | 2/3 茶匙 tsp
雞蛋 Eggs | 1 pc
菜油 Vegetable oil | 20 克 g
南瓜蓉 Pumpkin puree | 100 克 g
鹽 Salt | 1/2 茶匙 tsp
南瓜籽 Pumpkin seeds | 80 克 g
做法 Directions:
在已鋪好焗爐紙的烤盤上,把麵糰塑形成一個27cm x 10cm x 1.5cm的扁長方形狀。之後可放入已預熱至攝氏170度的焗爐中, 烘焗35分鐘。
First remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin. Cut them into small pieces. Steam the pumpkin for about 15 minutes. Then use a potato ricer to make the pumpkin into puree.
In a mixing bowl, add the egg, sugar and salt. Whisk them together until the sugar dissolves completely.
Sift the flour and mix with the almond flour and baking powder. Add them into the pumpkin mixture in a few rounds. Use a spatula and combine everything together. Last but not least, add the pumpkin seeds, mix well and form a dough.
On a lined baking tray, form the dough into a 27cm x 10cm x 1.5cm rectangle. Bake it at 170 degree celsius for 35 minutes.
When done, place the bread onto a cooling rack. When it cools down, cut the bread into 1-1.5-cm-thick slices.
Lay them flat onto the baking tray, bake each side for 8 minutes. Done!