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伊頓混亂 Eton Mess

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【🇬🇧伊頓混亂 Eton Mess】


「伊頓混亂」最初於1930年代在伊頓公學 (Eton College) 的小賣部販賣,是以士多啤梨或香蕉配上雪糕和忌廉製成的,之後才加入蛋白脆餅;可以與許多其他的夏季水果類型製成,但士多啤梨被認為是最傳統的。


材料 Ingredients:

- 香蒂莉忌廉 Chantilly Cream -

  • 淡忌廉 Heavy Cream | 150 ml

  • 糖霜 Icing Sugar | 20 g

  • 雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 1/2 tsp

- 士多啤梨醬 Strawberry Sauce -

  • 士多啤梨 Strawberries | 12 + 3 pc (~200 g)

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 30 g

  • 檸檬 Lemon | 1/2 pc

- 蛋白脆餅 Baked Meringue -

  • 蛋白 Egg whites | 2 pc

  • 白醋 White vinegar | 1/2 tsp

  • 砂糖 Sugar | 50 g

  • 糖霜 Icing sugar | 10 g

  • 雲呢拿精油 Vanilla extract | 1/2 tsp

- 裝飾 Garnish -

  • 開心果 Pistachio | 20 g

  • 蜂蜜 Honey | 1 tsp

做法 Directions:

  1. 製作焗蛋白霜。把蛋白、砂糖和白醋打起。再把打起的蛋白分成4至6份放在焗盆上,放入已預熱的焗爐用150度焗30分鐘,再調低溫度至130再焗30分鐘。期間偶爾打開焗爐讓蒸氣走出。然後把焗爐關掉,利用餘溫把蛋白脆餅繼續烘乾煮熟。

  2. 製作士多啤梨醬。把士多啤梨、砂糖和檸檬汁煮大概20分鐘。放涼備用。

  3. 製作香蒂莉忌廉。把淡忌廉和糖霜打起,放雪櫃備用。

  4. 在一隻玻璃杯中,隨意放入打起的忌廉、士多啤梨醬、開心果碎和弄碎了的蛋白霜便完成。

  1. Make meringue. Whisk egg whites, sugar and vinegar together until it reaches the soft peak stage. Divide the whipped egg white into 4-6 swirls on a lined baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 150C for 30 minutes, then lower the temperature to 130C and bake for another 30 minutes. Open the oven door for 1-2 seconds occasionally and let the moisture to escape. When done, turn the oven off and open the oven slightly. Let the meringue to keep drying up in the oven with the residual heat.

  2. Make strawberry sauce. Roughly chop the strawberries and put them along with sugar and lemon juice in a small pot, cook oven low-medium heat for about 20 minutes. When done, leave aside to cool down and reserve for later use.

  3. Make Chantilly Cream. Whip heavy cream and icing sugar together until soft peak. Store in refrigerator.

  4. Assemble. Break the meringue into smaller pieces. Grab a rock glass (or any container), randomly put the whipped cream, strawberry sauce and broken meringue in. Put chopped pistachio on top and the dessert is ready to be served.

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