【Yoshi龍蝦包 🦞Lobster Roll】
每次拍節目之前,我都會先了解吓對手嘅背景,咁拍起上嚟嘅互動先會多啲、精彩啲~ 適逢上次同Yoshi一齊拍《#今餐有料到》,知道佢以前係《辣伙頭》嘅參賽者,所以就試吓將佢某啲參賽菜式嚟個makeover~ (大家都可以睇返當年Yoshi整嘅龍蝦包呀😂~)有時間不妨試吓跟住食譜整我呢個版本嘅龍蝦包吖~
立即重温《今餐有料到》第192集 !---〉按此重溫~
材料 Ingredients:
龍蝦 Boston lobster | 1 pc
西芹 Celery | 1 stalk
番茜 Parsley | 2 stalks
刁草 Dill | 2 stalks
檸檬 Lemon | 1 pc
熱狗包 Hotdog bun | 2 pcs
牛油 Butter | 10 g
辣味薯片 (你懂的) Hot & spicy chips | 1 small pack
- 蒜泥蛋黃醬 Aioli -
蒜頭 Garlic | 2 cloves
蛋黃 Yolk | 1 pc
檸檬汁 Lemon juice | 1 pc
鹽 Salt | 1/2 tsp
卡宴辣椒粉 Cayenne pepper | 1/8 tsp
法式芥末 Dijon mustard | 1 tsp
葡萄籽油 Grape seeds oil | 75 ml
做法 Directions:
Put the lobster into a pot of boiling water and cook for about 10-12 minutes. When done, remove and place in an ice water bath. Then remove the flesh from the lobster. Save the claw meats and roughly chop the flesh of the body.
Make aioli. Mix the yolk, lemon juice, salt and mustard together, and slowly add the grape seeds oil in while whisking vigorously. The sauce will start to thicken. Add the minced garlic in and mix well.
Mix the lobster meat with chopped celery, chopped herbs, lemon juice and aioli.
In a frying pan, add some butter in, toast the bun over it.
Get the lobster filling in the middle of the bun. Crush some chips over the lobster roll and it is ready to be served.