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The Cheesecake Factory烤蒜雞肉蝴蝶粉 Farfalle w/ Chicken and Roasted Garlic

作家相片: Andy DarkAndy Dark

【The Cheesecake Factory烤蒜雞肉蝴蝶粉 Farfalle w/ Chicken and Roasted Garlic】

友人想食,我去煮便好了~ 雖然我自己之前未食過呢個意粉,但憑我想象做出來嘅呢個The Cheesecake Factory烤蒜雞肉蝴蝶粉 (#ButBetter版本),確實幾出色,友人亦滿意收貨~ 有時能用美食為別人帶嚟一點歡樂,其實自己都好開心~ 😊


份量 Portion:4 人 servings

材料 Ingredients:

  • 蝴蝶粉(未煮)Farfalle (uncooked)|300 g

  • 蒜頭 Garlic | 2 bulbs

  • 洋蔥 Onion | 1 pc

  • 煙肉 Bacon | 8-10 strips

  • 雞胸 Chicken breast | 2 pcs

  • 蘑菇 Button mushroom | 200 g

  • 油漬番茄 Sun-dried tomato | 4 pcs

  • 白酒 White wine | 150 ml

  • 麵粉 Plain flour | 5 tbsp

  • 雞湯 Chicken stock | 500 ml

  • 青豆 Green peas | 200 g

  • 西蘭花 Broccoli | 1 head

  • 忌廉 Heavy cream | 150 ml

  • 巴馬臣芝士 Parmesan cheese | 50 g

做法 Directions:

  1. 首先將蒜頭放入焗爐,用180度焗30分鐘。把焗至軟身的蒜粒拆出,放在碗中用叉子壓成茸。

  2. 把洋蔥切碎、煙肉切碎、雞胸切粒、蘑菇切成一開四、油漬番茄切碎。在一隻平底鑊中,落油,用中細火把洋蔥碎煮至焦糖化。

  3. 在另一隻鑊中,加入數湯匙菜油,用中大火先把煙肉煎香,再放入雞胸粒、蘑菇和油漬蕃茄炒香,約3至5分鐘。加入麵粉拌勻,倒入白酒煮30秒,再慢慢加入雞湯。把焦糖洋蔥和焗蒜蓉加入鑊中,加鹽和胡椒粉調味,煮大概10分鐘。

  4. 把西蘭花切成小塊。煲一鍋滾水,把青豆汆水30秒,撈起,沖凍水備用。再把西蘭花汆水1分30秒,同樣撈起,沖凍水備用。

  5. 煲一鍋滾水,放鹽,把蝴蝶粉煮至自己喜愛的硬度(約10分鐘)。

  6. 把巴馬臣芝士刨碎,與青豆和西蘭花加入醬汁中,煮1至2分鐘。撈起煮好的蝴蝶粉加入醬汁中,拌勻。關火,加入忌廉拌勻後便完成。上碟後,可以刨上多些芝士碎和加一點黑椒碎便完成。

  1. First, put the bulbs of garlic in an oven and bake them at 180C for 30 minutes. After that, remove them from the oven and get the cloves of the garlic out. Use a fork to press the soft garlic into a paste.

  2. Chop the onion, bacon and sun-dried tomato. Cut the chicken breast into pieces. Cut mushroom into quarters. In a frying pan, add some oil and cook the onion until caramelised.

  3. In another frying pan, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in and cook the bacon over medium-high heat. Then add the chicken meat, mushroom and sun-dried tomato in and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Then add the flour in and stir well. Deglaze with white wine and cook for 30 seconds. Add chicken stock, caramelised onion and garlic paste in, season well with salt and pepper, bring everything to a boil and lower the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes.

  4. Cut broccoli into small pieces. In a pot of boiling water, blanch the peas for 30 seconds and transfer the peas into an ice water bath. Then blanch the broccoli for 1m30s and transfer to the ice water bath as well.

  5. Cook the pasta according to your likely (~10 minutes).

  6. Grate the cheese and put them along with the peas and broccoli into the sauce and cook for another 2 minutes. Transfer the cooked pasta into the sauce and mix well. Turn the heat off and add the cream, mix well again. Serve the pasta on a plate and grate more cheese on top with some freshly ground black pepper.


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