【🇺🇦🇭🇰 港式羅宋湯 Borscht】
幾年前拍港台嘅《香港故事 - 思家滋味》嘅時侯,有幸訪問到昔日老香港嘅高級西餐廳「ABC愛皮西大飯店」創辦人嘅後代,聽咗好多有趣而且珍貴嘅故事之外,亦有偷師學咗少少點樣整佢哋當時嘅招牌菜之一,羅宋湯。
P.S. 因為今次我買唔到牛腩,所以變咗全素版本🌱~ 鍾意嘅,可以加返條汆咗水嘅牛腩落去一齊煮!
份量 Portion - 6-8 碗 bowls
材料 Ingredients:
洋蔥 Onion | 1 pc
甘筍 Carrot | 1 pc
西芹 Celery | 2 ribs
唐芹 Chinese celery | 4 ribs
燈籠椒(綠色)Green bell pepper | 1/2 pc
椰菜 Cabbage | 1/4 pc
水 Water | 3 L
蕃茄 Tomato | 3 pcs
紅菜頭 Beetroot | 1/2 pc
馬鈴薯 Potato | 1 pc
蒜頭 Garlic | 4 cloves
茄膏 Tomato paste | 170 g
水 Water
橄欖油 Olive oil | 5 tbsp
豉油 Soy sauce | 1 tbsp
喼汁* Worcestershire sauce | 2 tsp
黑椒碎 Ground black pepper | 1/2 tsp
月桂葉 Bay leaves | 4 leaves
辣汁 Tabasco pepper sauce | 10-15 drops
做法 Directions:
First, slice the onion and carrot. In a big pot, add some olive oil and cook the onion and carrot over low-medium heat for about 15 minutes.
At the same time, bring 3L of water to a boil, add chopped celery, Chinese celery, cabbage and green bell pepper, cook for 10 minutes. Then add chopped tomatoes and beetroot sticks in and continue to cook for another 20 minutes.
Remove the onion and carrot. Clean the pot, and turn the heat back on, add some olive oil. Cook tomato paste over low heat for 15 minutes, meanwhile keep stirring to prevent burning.
Then add some more oil and add the minced garlic, and cook for a few minutes. Add the onion and carrot back, mix well. Then combine the soup and all the vegetable into one pot.
Bring everything to a boil and add soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, ground black pepper and bay leaves. Cover with a lid and turn the heat to low and cook for an hour first. After an hour, add the diced potatoes and cook for another hour. When done, you can add a few drops of tabasco if you like it a bit spicy.